success is on your hand, know this secrets and live your dreams

By Juliet Rodgers

Tenacity as the name implies, is the ability to hold on with unshakable faith in order to be able to surmount every problem that may confront one, until a certain goal is achieved.

It is doubtlessly clear that we live in a world of jealousy and in most cases, we are faced with very unfair criticisms or comments from distractors which tend to discourage us from pursuing our objectives or from accomplishing our intentions.
It is a famous saying that: *"If you listen to the voice of the market, you would never be able to buy."* This in effect, shows us how resolute and determined one must be even in the face of abject criticism or opposition in order to achieve one's aim in life.

It is needless to recall how our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ suffered from the hands of the Jews whom he was destined to deliver. Though some opposed him, saying that, he was not the actual Christ and even went to the extent of calling him "beelzebub," Jesus the Christ pursued his divine assignment of salvation with focus as is written in John 3:16. Christ demonstrated unwavering tenacity and fortitude that made him to eventually conquer death in Calvary and to eventually save mankind despite the numerous challenges then. In his case, he was reputed to have bravely conquered "principalities and powers." This goes to show the extent to which enemies of progress and other negative spiritual and physical elements could strive to negate a person's advancement. Unless and until such a person can exhibit great courage and unshakable tenacity, he would hardly be able to achieve anything substantial in life.

In the physical, and especially in politics, leaders are usually perceived to be in exalted positions, and are therefore far too often than not exposed to jealousy, oppositions and unecessary criticisms. Donald J Trump, the current President of the United States of America (U.S.A), who is by extention the first gentleman of the world, from the very day of his election had his own citizens who demonstrated against him, calling him all sorts of names. While the opposition continued unabated, Mr. Trump continues to exhibit great tenacity by giving a blind eye to his critics, and striving relentlessly to fulfil his election promises. He would not be deterred. Indeed, by being very focused, Mr. Trump has refused to allow himself to be distracted by showing great degree of tenacity in political leadership.

In our homes, we see families split largely because the parents have not been able to exercise discipline among the children with unswerving courage. Some have let the just pretence of love for their children to mitigate the discipline required for their upbringing. This creates a great problem for society at large as neglected children prove in most cases to be drop-outs who engage in truancy.

*"Sheldon Adelson, the CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, was listed by Forbes as the sixth-richest person in the U.S. with a fortune of $30 billion. He started his business career at the age of 12, but by his 30s he had already built and lost a fortune twice. Despite his losses, his tenacity never wore thin and since the opening of Sands Macao in China, Adelson’s personal wealth has multiplied by more than 14 times," according to The New Yorker.*

*In the meantime, reflect on these words:*

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - *(1)*

It would but fitting to conclude this objective view with an admonition on the essence of living a tenacious life for eventual success. There is a notable saying that: *"If at all you don't succeed, try try again."* From my own experience, I verily believe in the truism of this alter statement that *"The man who says I will try will reach the mountain top."* In all this, there is no doubt that tenacity is a basic requirement for success. Most of our best intellectuals and prominent citizens had failed examinations and had not succeeded in interviews. But because of their tenacity, however, these persons continued to persevere and by refusing to give up, they soon proved by being tenacious, to surmount the difficulties they encountered before and eventually succeeded. Many political leaders the world over had contested several times and failed elections. However, by persevering and by not giving up; they have succeeded gloriously in the end. This is the effect of 'tenacity' at work. You too could achieve your intention by being tenacious to pursue your desired goal. The excuse may be difficult and arduous, but with determination and resolve, you can be a success story in the end. Never give up, but be tenacious!

Obviously, God made man in his own image and likeness for specific purposes which need both fortitude and tenacity to succeed. If our forefather Adam had demonstrated 'tenacity' by rejecting the sinful persuasion of his wife Eve, who was subborned by the serpent to eat of the tree of Life, death would never have come to mankind.
In the same vein, we as human beings are expected to exercise faith, courage and above all resilience as the bastion of success and development in all that we do. In such, we are all expected to demonstrate adequate tenacity in all our human endeavours.

(1) - President Theodore Roosevelt, one of our greatest leaders Quote about *"Fighting your way up"*...(LEADERSHIP & TENACITY)

© *Juliet Rogers,*
*Sociètal engineer, Life&Emotional intelligence Coach.*

*® All Rights Reserved*

   *18 Jan 2018*

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