Answers you could never expect anywhere than from extraordinary people

Thanks leaders,

I'm now very tired due to schedule I had with my friends from *Tanzania students for liberty, liberty sparks , positive consultation and good friends from Uganda ..(Kabanda Juliuse)*

Of course it was nice moments we had together exchanging positive thoughts I enjoyed much,

The event ended, but one thing discouraged somehow but someone replied the unbelievable ,,  I told him that *my friend we hosted this event hoping that 200 students shall got this training but now there are about 50* 🙄🙄
   Did you know what he replied?

    He grateful told me that,  *"wow , amazing you know what 50 is a good number of people because when we have a lot where could get those who could brush our shoes?*

No , no, I do believe on financial freedom to all, I want everyone to brush the shoes of his own... No one born as servants for other
     We have to look for it, we have to identify why are here!
 Come one ,,, friends let's start now to create a better future by investing on young leaders,
Together we can uplift Africa, together we can do great things, welcome all

Invite your friend also to come *positive consultation*  we value so much his potentiality,
     Make sure you subscribe for more updates.

Enjoy your day,
*@positive consultation team*

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