Best opportunity for your child in Tanzania secure your seat soon

Among of best organizations best for your child to start his or her life carriers is Apps and Girls which is located at dar es salaam near Mwalimu Nyerere international airport behind Arafa dispensary (majumba sita)
     Since I tried to visit to their office and training room I become surprised with the list of most important and what I called talented people started their carrier there,
   It's a blissful experience I ever have and I started to exposed other people there and at this moment I'm more happy and energetic to see little and young people having big projects than themselves as you can imagine.
      Apps and girls were nominated and got different awards around Africa and abroad, I don't know why most of people don't know them but I think, you don't know and you are not interested to find these opportunities.
     Our work is exposing you to beneficial opportunities and other important things to start your carrier or to get the best in your life,
      At this moment Apps and girls announced application for your child  as I quoted that "we will use game and gamification to create a digital analogue playful experience of your city."

Wowww, I highly recommend you to apply to this, start to prepare a great foundation for your child 💪
  👣step by 👣

Apply to this link now

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