Successful people maintains the power of courage and belief

Before going further let's trace meaning of courage, courage is simply implies to that ability of standing up in a difficult situation or pain. Courage is that true sign of bravery, the quality of mind to face and tolerate in uncomfortable environment while belief is that ability of individual to put trust on a certain issue.
      I remember Allard K Lowestein in his work of acts of courage and belief Quoted from Robert F Kennedy that "it is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up of an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends fourth a tiny ripple a hope and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance"  cape town, south Africa June 6 ,1966  those powerful words from this leader reminded me where I came from and what circumstances do I passed,
        One day when I was at the class standard six teacher Yaasini mziray after identifying something potential missed on our  question that we were solving I remember  he told me that,  "Chitemo you are very potential in this universe and you are very unique and people like you are too few keep moving forward one day you'll prove me right" the whole class laughed and ignored hoping that it is impossible since my family background was poor  I kept  his words and from that moment I tried to do even things bigger than my self because of closeness I made with my teacher. I started to feel that I'm someone counted , I believed on my self and gained a lot of courage even from other teachers from that time and its where my whole life started to change.
       Here a lesson comes to us is that, whichever difficult comes in front of us, whoever puts barrier to our progress, whoever tries to pull us away from gold it doesn't matter only our courage, perseverance and most importantly is believing in our selves that heal the talents we are born with, is that identifies our potential and value in life because we know we are somebody valuable.
   The friend of my teacher Mc Ndimbo known as Masoud Kipanya  he advocates on mentorship than inspiring as one of most important way of achieving massive success because mentoring gives hope, courage, confidence and belief to learners due to closeness than inspiring someone without supervising their progress
       Here I'm concluding my leader, we as positive consultation we believe in mentorship that is why until this moment about 80 students and teanagers are accommodated to our mentorship since our effort is ensuring that we create a great foundation of  love,trust and courage to this generation hence we are welcome you other passionate leaders to support or partner with us so that we can bring about positive results to our society, contact us through
Or WhatsApp group +255764558190

     I'm wishing you all Merry Christmas and happy new year of 2018

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