
By Juliet Rogers, Sierra Leone,

If we appreciate the supremacy of God Almighty, then we’ll possess the Godly nature which will make us live in serenity with others.

The truest meaning of Gratitude is engulfed in the appreciation and acceptance of kindness, as it has always been the gateway to an overflow of life.

In sane earnest, if you don’t appreciate what you have now, there is no ground of confidence that you are going to appreciate what you will get later in life.

As Eckhart Tolle wrote:

“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. So aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.

Oprah Winfrey, the former Queen of DAYTIME TELEVISION doesn’t let her $3 billion net worth get to her head. In spite of her bountiful and admirable success, her indefatigable gratitude is truly humbling and humanitarian. Her legions of fans are inspired by her words of wisdom like: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

The aforementioned views are key in our everyday activities and trials. Let us try as hard as possible to remain humble, respectful and grateful to God and our fellow human beings.

Predominantly speaking, give no permission to money, to any price, and to all the world to impede your fine sense of gratitude. Be humble to be grateful! Without being hesitant, I enounce to you how grateful unmistakably I am for:

– My God and His word, my family and friends who take part with me day-after-day to feel comely and smile at life’s gainsays.

– Grace, peace, strength, passion, persistence, patience, wisdom, courage, hope, faith, happiness, forgiveness and stings of conscience in my day-to-day beingness and actions.

– People much more smarter than me; who co-operate with me to know them.

– The technologies I use daily to touch the world today with the grace measured unto me, and many more!

In the meantime, reflect on these words:

Gratitude has the efficacy and aroma to make productive & beautiful relationships….”Think about the people in your life who are appreciative of you and let you know it. How do you feel about them? Does their appreciation positively impact your relationship? YES! Don’t be shy about expressing when you are grateful for someone.”

Admonition: You may read oodles of erudite tomes on ‘Gratitude’ without coming across an assertion more substantial for you and for me.

Iyanla Vanzant, an author of many books, one of which is “PEACE FROM BROKEN PIECES” went down to the depths of pain and darkness and rose up a very wise spiritual woman. She once remarked that:

“Gratitude is like a magnet, the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for.”

Conformably to a study put forward by Harvard Medical School (2015), “gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships.”

Over and above that, as set or put in order in University of Birmingham study (2013), there are extra gains sequent from an undeviating habitual performance of gratitude, which embodies:

Few intellectual biasesMore helpfulness toward othersRaised self-confidenceBetter work attitudeStrengthened resiliencyLess physical painImproved health and longevity, and more.

Interestingly again, in conformity with The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, studies the psychology, sociology and neuroscience of well-being. Scientists there have substantiated or better say confirmed other findings about gratitude and establish that people who make gratitude a harmonious part of their life have the advantage of vast other gains:

Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressureHigher levels of positive emotions.More joy, optimism, and happinessActing with more generosity and compassionFeeling less lonely and isolated. (2)

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